The average house price on WILLOW PLACE is £326,848
The most expensive house in the street is 12 WILLOW PLACE with an estimated value of £425,029
The cheapest house in the street is 3 WILLOW PLACE with an estimated value of £230,239
The house which was most recently sold was 10 WILLOW PLACE, this sold on 27 Nov 2020 for £235,000
The postcode for WILLOW PLACE is SY4 4JB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 WILLOW PLACE Terraced £324,840 £186,500 28 Jul 2006
3 WILLOW PLACE Semi-Detached £230,239 £185,000 29 Mar 2019
5 WILLOW PLACE Detached £368,971 £66,000 30 Aug 1996
9 WILLOW PLACE Detached £382,241 £84,000 19 Feb 1999
10 WILLOW PLACE Detached £274,465 £235,000 27 Nov 2020
11 WILLOW PLACE Detached £298,089 £180,000 30 Sep 2013
12 WILLOW PLACE Detached £425,029 £74,250 1 Dec 1995
14 WILLOW PLACE Semi-Detached £310,913 £77,500 14 Jan 2000